Itala S. Marco

italiano deutsch english
Stagione 2011-2012
Serie A2 femminile
Serie C femminile
Juniores regionali
List of seasons-game
President:Massimo Chiussi
Official site
NamePlay.GoalPenaltyOwn goalDate of Birth
GoalkeeperAntoni Davidend---
GoalkeeperGodeas Marcond---
GoalkeeperSorci Lucand---
DefenderBitani Alessandrond---
DefenderCalzolaio Lucand1--
DefenderCandotti Danielnd---
DefenderChicco Corradond---
DefenderParavan Lucand---
DefenderPiscopo Lucand15-
DefenderRizza Riccardond---
DefenderSain Simonend---
DefenderViel Simonend---
DefenderZanon Christiannd1--
MidfielderBaldo Nicholasnd---
MidfielderBric Krisnd---
MidfielderCoacci Davidend-1-
MidfielderMattesich Gian Nicoland---
MidfielderMiraglia Nicholasnd---
MidfielderNardella Raffaelend---
MidfielderScocchi Nicoland1--
MidfielderVarone Albertond---
MidfielderZanoletti Gilbertond2--
ForwardCampanella Juliannd1--
ForwardCasimirri Andreand1--
ForwardDamiani Albertond---
ForwardDesideri Davidend5--
ForwardFernandez Fabiannd---
ForwardFranz Lucand---
ForwardGueye Thiam Silmonnd---
ForwardLius Della Pietà Simonend1--
ForwardPavan Erosnd2--
ForwardStheinhaus Giulianond11--
CoachZoratti Giulianond---
Goal Penalty Own goal
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