Lineups: Aurora Pro Patria - Levico Terme

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Stagione 2017-2018
Serie C femminile
Juniores nazionali
Juniores Elite
List of seasons-game
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Round nr. 36 (17ª ritorno) 04/22/2018

logo Aurora Pro Patrialogo Levico Terme
Aurora Pro Patria
Levico Terme
Santana Mario Goal18'1.Half, Goal17'2.Half
Zaro Giovanni Goal27'1.Half
Cottarelli Niccolò Goal3'2.Half, Goal26'2.Half
Players Aurora Pro Patria
Goalkeeper Mangano Giulio
Defender Marcone Alessio Player released24'2.Half
Defender Molnar Ivo
Defender Galli Leonardo
Defender Zaro Giovanni Player released29'2.Half Goal27'1.Half
Midfielder Disabato Donato Player released24'2.Half
Midfielder Cottarelli Niccolò Goal3'2.Half Goal26'2.Half
Midfielder Gazo Francesco
Midfielder Pettarin Giacomo
Forward Santana Mario Player released27'2.Half Goal18'1.Half Goal17'2.Half
Forward Le Noci Giuseppe Player released27'2.Half
Defender Colombo Riccardo Entered24'2.Half
Defender Ugo Riccardo Entered29'2.Half
Midfielder Pedone Alex Entered27'2.Half
Midfielder Chiarion Mattia Entered24'2.Half
Forward Gucci Niccolò Entered27'2.Half
Coach Javorcic Ivan
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